
Guest Writers

Interested in being a guest writer? I'd love to have you share a recipe and a little bit about yourself!

Submit the following to (Please send it in code. If you're unsure of how to do that just create the post in your blogger/wordpress, click over to "Edit html" and then copy and paste that code into an email to me)

Thanks so much!!!:

- A step by step recipe
- Some photos to go along (you don't have to have step by step photos but if you do that's great)
- At least one photo of the finish dish
- A short paragraph about yourself
- A short paragraph about your blog
- The URL to your blog
- The answers to the following questions:
        What is your name? (Please include a picture of yourself) 
        Where do you live?
        What's your favorite recipe?
        What's your favorite kitchen tool?
        What do you live by in life? (Your motto, a quote, a verse etc.)

Happy cooking everyone!!


  1. I just wanted to let you know that I WOULD LOVE to guest post :). I'll get on what recipe I decide to make and get back with you soon!!!

  2. Thanks a ton for the invitation. I'd love love love to do it. I have a beautiful& healthy recipe right now that I would be posting today. Can I share that? Please give me more info about the guest posts as this would be my first.

    Thanks again,

  3. Hi Amanda,

    I will be sending in my entry begining of the week as I will have my husband help me with the step by step pictures over the weekend.

    Thanks again.....


Thanks for your comments and feedback! I enjoy reading each one :)

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